Saturday, June 20, 2009

Good Morning Vietnam!!

I've always wanted to say that from here! :)

What a strange sense it was for me to fly into Saigon late last evening. Growing up in Indiana in the 60's and memories of endless Vietnam War stories in the papers. Always the daily count of the lives least on our side.

What I suspected is reality: the people of Vietnam are its soul and always have been. Even through the conflict with America. I am finding everyone cheerful and helpful. Saigon has the feel of Phnom Penh, but a bit cleaner and slightly more orderly. We will se how daytime goes, but there was less traffic on the roads at 1:00 am that there is in Phnom Penh. The the sounds and the smells are very similar.

Now that I have finished my hotel breakfast, I am headed out to explore the surrounding area, and walk over to the big market: Ben Thanh. I have my Blackberry working with a new Vietnamese SIM card and can communicate with my local contacts. This afternoon will bring me to the Maison Chance orphanage. That's where I will meet up with Mike & Tina.

How cool to celebrate Father's Day with him here in Saigon! Happy Father's Day to all you other fathers out there.


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