The Water Is Back In Thailand!
Thanks to everyone's efforts, especially the children attending this summer's VBS at All Saints Lutheran Church in Worthington, OH, a new permanent well has been drilled at the Asia's Hope orphanage in Chiangmai, Thailand!
Seems all the children took the inconvenience as an adventure, getting water trucked in and taking showers at another orphanage nearby (Brianna's House). Director Tutu Bee reports the children took great interest in watching the workers drill the well, and cheered when they struck water!
It has been such a blessing to see how loving children from one side of the world can make a direct impact in the lives of children half a world away!
On another positive note, I have made it home to Columbus, OH safe and sound, albeit weary! My 32 hours in 5 planes took me from Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia then to Amsterdam and on to Berlin. My plane from Germany to New York was delayed, and I missed my connection to Columbus. 7 hours later, I finally landed in Columbus and was happy to see my son John at the airport. David arrived in Columbus yesterday and it was great to see 2 of the 3 boys. David is heading out to LA next week to see Mike, who dropped his cell phone in the pool and is out of contact until further notice!
Today, it is back to the office and back to work. I am refreshed and fulfilled and ready to serve my clients. What is next for me? Stay tuned!
I will keep updating this blog for news of all three orphanages, etc. Another content suggestions, please feel free to voice your comments!
I really miss all the orphans........................
Seems all the children took the inconvenience as an adventure, getting water trucked in and taking showers at another orphanage nearby (Brianna's House). Director Tutu Bee reports the children took great interest in watching the workers drill the well, and cheered when they struck water!
It has been such a blessing to see how loving children from one side of the world can make a direct impact in the lives of children half a world away!
On another positive note, I have made it home to Columbus, OH safe and sound, albeit weary! My 32 hours in 5 planes took me from Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia then to Amsterdam and on to Berlin. My plane from Germany to New York was delayed, and I missed my connection to Columbus. 7 hours later, I finally landed in Columbus and was happy to see my son John at the airport. David arrived in Columbus yesterday and it was great to see 2 of the 3 boys. David is heading out to LA next week to see Mike, who dropped his cell phone in the pool and is out of contact until further notice!
Today, it is back to the office and back to work. I am refreshed and fulfilled and ready to serve my clients. What is next for me? Stay tuned!
I will keep updating this blog for news of all three orphanages, etc. Another content suggestions, please feel free to voice your comments!
I really miss all the orphans........................
Welcome back, Meestah Jeem!
What a wonderful thing you've been doing for the past month. I envy you the opportunity to have such great experiences.
I've enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the incredible pictures you took during your trip. Man, you're a great photographer! Thank you so much for sharing this time with us.
Again -- welcome home, rest up, and come out to see us sometime soon!
Susan Lynch
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