Saturday, July 09, 2005

Everyone In the Pool!

There is something special about taking kids to the pool....and our orphans are no different! We had to go to the street market to buy all the new kids swimming suits. None of them had ever been in a swimming pool before.....they pretty much all sunk like rocks.....even the ones that weigh like 20 pounds! Bus you should have seen their smiles of joy! And you soon as we get to Bangcock tomorrow and find a high-speed internet where we can upload photos.

We spent today in the details o the orphanage and tried to solve a pressing emergency. The water well at the new orhanage ran dry yesterday, and the kids are totally without water to bathe (the main reason we took them to the pool!), or flush with. We have had two companies come out to give drilling estimates for a new well and they range from$1500 to $3 or $4 thousand.....and that is in USD, not Thai baht! We are at somewhat of a loss, since we did not bring that much extra cash, and they don't take cc's! If you are sitting on the other side of this screen and have the answer, just let me know!

For the second year in a row, I have ended up at a new Asia's Hope orphanage just 3 days after the new kds arrived. And it is very very cool. Dave had warned us they would be shy......but just the opposite. And by tonight, they were all over us and missing us in advance! Can't wait to return soon

We did end up dedicating the new orphanage tonight, and the kids really understood what we were doing, and that made it all the better. More photos soon!

LONDON UPDATE: The boys and the rest of the Thomas Worthington HS kids arrived in Columbus safely, and I am looking forward to talking to them after I return to Cambodia tomorrow.


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