Monday, July 04, 2005

Dr. Pain

I don't do well with dentistry....I have no problems with actual dentists, but the actual practice of it is like pulling teeth...oh wait, it really is! Today in Battambang, we ran half of the orphans through our makeshift dental clinic. Grace Bretheren Church let us setup shop in their outreach building, which was a great help. Almost without a single peep, these kids endured numerous tooth extractions and after 20 min. of post-op TLC, were back to playing and coloring. I am such a dental baby....I would be up in my hotel room moaning still!

This is such a neglected country....John and Louie spent a day just trying to locate fuses that fit the equipment...then the old, old autoclave equipment started to malfunction. Then the road to the orphanage was a virtual quagmire of mud...we nearly got stuck or went off the road several times. Here is hoping God decides to spread some sunshine tomorrow and dry up the roads!

I know now it's these kids at the Battambang orphanage that are the reason I am back in this country. The ones in PP are just as deserving, but there is some extra doses of specialness heaped upon the kids up here. Maybe it is the fact they have been together as a family for 3 years that adds something....maybe it is the way they care for each other....maybe it is the way they love each other....can there be degrees of pure love?? Someone please email me the answer!

(There are two skietters trying to drain some of my blood...I need to strike first, since this is the area of highest risk for malaria).............. I won!

Today, I essentially played with the kids while they were waiting at the dental clinic, then at the orphanage after dinner.....They call Meestah Jeem Mr. Fun! I guess it is still easy for me to act like a kid around kids...even though I turn 49 Wed.! Yikes.,...the average lifespan in Cambodia is something like 56....I would be a wise old grandfather here by now! Well...maybe not!

I already know it will just tear my heart when I have to leave these precious children on Wed. morning. All I can do to give you some insight is share their photos and some stories when I retun. My birthday present to myself is going to be a promise to return again next year..... I can't just turn my back on them.....heck, over here, I can make my 401K last maybe 50 years at these exchange rates!

Vana vana...enough enough! I need to get some sleep. Please pray for the continued health of our team...we are doing much better than Team 2 did. You may not know each child here, but through the toys and clothes we bought with your donations, they know your love exists for them. Pray for political stability and the end of the excessive corruption is truly hindering the Combodian's chances of securing a place in the world marketplaces.

I'll post photos when I can!

Happy July 4th and every American are truly blessed...beyond many of your wildest imaginations!


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