Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday in Battambang

Hey everyone...Happy July 4th weekend! We are finally up in NW Cambodia in Battambang after a 6-hr, ride in our faithful old van! The internet is PAINFULLY slow up here and I just spent 45 minutes uploading a photo that I somehow just lost...Grrrrrrrrrrr. Maybe when we get to the temples at Angkor Wat on Wed. the connections will be faster. I will keep trying though!

Well, my last post was just before our "campout" at the PP orphanage. What a riot! The kids (all 100) could not believe that 4 of us actually wanted to sleep over. The floor was quite hard, indeed, but the smiles were soft! The temples and restaurants blared chants and Khumei music ALL NIGHT long. I think I maybe got 30 min. sleep. the roosters started crowing at 3:00 am and I finally gave up and went for a walk. By 5:00 am all the kids were awake and ready for the water park.

It was so much fun seeing the joy in their eyes at the park. Everyone wanted our attention to float, slide, jump and just hang out. They have no idea what chlorine is and we are all wondering what things will start to grow on us in a few days!

Time to hit the food...we are staying in a hotel here with an attached restaurant. They even have ice cream sundaes!!

I could bring them all home...and just holding one for 15 min. would convince you of the same. The way they all look out for each other is amazing. After seeing so much poverty in PP and in the villages, our orphans live better than most families here. Good things are happening!

More soon.................


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