Friday, June 19, 2009

Heading Out

Morning trip butterflies. Always a good sign in my travel book! Our little Hannah got up early to fix me her signature gourmet breakfast of fruit, scrambled fluffy eggs, toast and her version of a margarita!

I really can't believe I was able to pack everything into one medium backpack. This is truly a monumental accomplishment for me. My first trip to SE Asia saw me lug a hockey bag, duffle bag and backpack halfway around the world. I do not recommend this in any way shape or form.

Finally made contact with Mike and Tina in Vietnam. All is well. Mike had a minor gastric set-back (or maybe I should say sit-down!). Tina's family has welcomed him with open arms and are constantly feeding him. The village where her family lives is less than an hour away from the Saigon airport, so meeting them will be easy.

How awesome it will be to celebrate Father's Day with Mike in Vietnam! Adding to the fun, I drove down to San Diego yesterday to have breakfast and lunch with David. He is there for the weekend with Phil and a few more of his Vanderbilt fraternity bros. We re-created last year's opening day of the U.S. Open, just minus the U.S. Open.

Was able to connect with Koi in Tokyo, one of our Century City Rotarians. Trying to adjust my return flight so I can stay overnight in Tokyo to visit. It is going to be a bit strange flying to Tokyo today. Last time I was there was almost 38 years ago to attend the 13th Boy Scout World Jamboree on the slopes of Mt. Fuji.

Mike said power in Saigon is reliable, but the village power is hit or miss. Therefore, postings will most likely come in batches. In addition to the Maison Chance orphanage I am visiting on Sunday (, Tina is getting us in contact with an orphanage near her family's village. This one has over 1000 children living there, and I will find out what specific needs exist there.

At a LA charity event I attended last evening for Boys Town ( I met a woman that is getting me in touch with a low-cost wheelchair manufacturer in Orange County. She indicated the wheelchairs, made out of bike wheels and lawnchairs, are a thrifty alternative to the more expensive ones. Depending upon where and how they are used, it sounds like a great additional resource for these projects!

OK...the July bills are all paid/scheduled, clothes packed, final emails sent and poor Vietnamese language skills on the tip of my tongue. I reviewed my Cambodian phrases, and suprisingly remembered most of them. I'm sure my pronounciation stinks in any language!

Thanks for all your support. It kinda feels like the little white feather Dumbo always carried with him to help him fly better. Comforting.


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