Thursday, June 11, 2009

Orphanage/Vocational Training Centers in Vietnam

Thanks to my contacts with Rotary International and my Vietnamese friend Terin Vu in LA, I have been put in touch with two well-deserving organizations in Vietnam. Nha May Man (Lucky House) is an orphanage & vocational training center near the Saigon airport, established by a generous woman visiting from Switzerland 15 years ago. Please take a look at their website ( and you will be as amazed at the good works going on there as I am.

I will be visiting there while in Saigon, and am planning to make this place the recipient of my Rotary project while club president in Century City for 2009-10. My hope is to provide a container of wheelchairs for the new residential facility being built, Village Chance, as well as anyone else in need of a wheelchair. We will be partnering with Rotary International so the net cost for me to raise should only be $100 per wheelchair. More to come on this!

The other orphanage and vocational training center is located in Hue on the south central coast of Vietnam. Please take a look at their website as well:
They are much smaller, but their needs are not, so we will see how we can help then as well, although it may not be with wheelchairs.

Hope to pack up this weekend. Finish my typhoid series, and wrap-up some work projects in advance of my departure on the 19th.

We heard from Mike & Tina in China, and they are having a blast. They are especially loving all the new foods. Rob has even cooked for them! Go Rob!


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