So talk about a bit of a culture clash....... it is Sunday morning at 7:00 and a bunch of us walked down to the iternet cafe to make some telephone calls and read email. We are all going to some new Korean mission church this morning. I wonder what language their services will be in: Korean, Khumei, French or English? Following the program is useless, since both Korean and Khumei both use symbols that render us Americans spellbound. We all end up just smiling and nodding our heads............makes us all feel like we are Japanese tourists in America, and we all have cameras as well!
Good news: everyone on the team woke up healthy this morning! That is a good thing, since 6 of them are going home on Wed. 2 Canadians left last week before I arrived, and Team 2 arrives this Tuesday. The heavy rains have also departed, which is nice, since most all the roads are dirt here in Phnom penh and the rains turns everything into mud.
For most of the 95% Budhists here, Sunday morning is just another workday. Someone is building a new house across the street from our guesthouse, and all the workers arrived on schudule this morning at 6:00, and the Russian Market is already teeming with people selling the fresh food of the day: eel, fish, bread, strange colored veggies.
After we returned home last night from the college outreach event, it was late, so we did not try to find a restaurant to eat. Instead, I actually cooked for the group.....and no one woke up with food poisioning! It was simple enough (spaghetti and bread) so it was hard to ruin it. It is amazing how good anything can taste when you are really hungry!
Time to try and place a few internet phonecalls....really inexpensive here. You can make 20 min. of calls to the USA or anywhere for that matter, for about $1.50.
I am praying that the All Saints combined music teams of Bumper Fish and Thrice Denied have a great performance at the Clipper's Lutheran Night at Cooper Stadium, which is happining as I write this. Mark, I tried to call you in your morning today, but somehow lost your number on my cellphone....must be on my USA SIM chip. I know you will be the fearless leader!
Feel free to make any comments to these postings. They are meant to be 2-way communication. I enabled the BLOG to allow anoymous postings, so you don't have to have a Blogspot account or anything. Later today, I will work on uploading a serie of photos for everyone to enjoy.
Be safe!