Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pasta Party in Saigon

Fellow Rotarian Sue McKinney hosted us at a pasta party at her home in Saigon on Sunday. What a great way to spend the afternoon! (Photos posted when Mike done printing from my SD card) Thank you Sue! We got to meet some people who moved to Saigon only 5 days ago, as well as others who have been residents for years, so a great mix of personalities. Networking in Saigon, who'd a thunk it?

We also enjoyed a dip in the pool, which is so refreshing in this heat. The young boys that attended enjoyed having us to throw them around in the pool.

Mike, Paulucci and I did a guys night out on the town, but not with USA outcomes. First we took a taxi to this nice restaurant a long way away, only to find out the kitchen was closed (11 pm and we thought everything was open, which it is, but not always for food!). So we ended up walking back to District 1. Essentially we paid for a taxi to take us away so we could walk right back where we started from. Ah, Saigon...

Today finds us leaving for Hanoi tonight on the night train. Another strange event for a Midwestern boy to be taking the train from Saigon to Hanoi. Postings might be sparse for the next few days, since I seriously doubt there will be internet access on the train!

Before that, I will finish this posting, and head up to Nha May Man (Maison Chance), the orphanage here in Saigon I am establishing connections with for my Rotarian wheelchair project.

Hope this post finds all of our family and friends back in the States in good health and spirits. Cherish that which you can never buy, and consume only what you need. We are stressing out this wonderful planet and her resources.


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